Manufacturers often experience challenges related to productivity, quality and a shortage of labor. Furthermore, some aren’t aware where their problems exist because of a lack of performance tracking. In each of these cases, technology can be applied to support improvements.

Learn about how advanced technologies can be deployed to keep any business future proof in this event featuring live technology demonstrations and opportunities to speak to experts about new innovation methods.

The event will be cordially hosted by The Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center in collaboration with Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry, Lenawee NOW, Michigan Works, and Automation Alley.

Additionally, the gathering will provide the opportunity for attendees to also learn about The Center’s FREE Technology Opportunity Assessment and how it helps identify technologies that will provide maximum improvements and return on investment.


9:00am – 11:30am Technology Demos for Manufacturers

11:30am – 12:30pm Break

12:30am – 2:00pm High School Mechatronics Tour



09:00am – 2:00pm