Michael Fox Jr. joined our team as the first Career Education Navigator, a position created as a result of the Marshall Plan for Talent grant that Lenawee Now was awarded in June 2019. His role includes engaging students and educators in specialized training experiences with local businesses. Recently, Michael was recognized by Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Michigan for his contributions to their organization and our community:

Michael first joined Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Michigan’s Board of Directors in 2010 and is currently completing his third term. In 2004 Michael was a recipient of a vehicle during their Workers on Wheels program. That vehicle allowed Michael to continue to provide for his family.

Michael’s experience with the program provided him with a unique perspective to champion in Lansing for the successful renewal of vehicle donor tax initiatives to continue and was asked to join the Board a short time after that opportunity. Now, as a Board member, he is able to advocate for the individuals served through our programs and services. “We would not be able to continue providing those services without the support of our Board of Directors, and Michael,” said Kristine Dewey, Marketing Manager for Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Michigan.

In addition to serving on the Board, Michael is part of the Springbrook Middle School Parent Advisory and has served on the MLK Committee, Jr. Community Celebration Committee, and the APS Head Start Policy Council. “We are grateful for the great contributions Michael and Lenawee Now have made to the community and we look forward to many more,” added Dewey.