For the past five years, Lenawee Now has focused on a single purpose: improving the economy of Lenawee County.

Many factors influence the success, mediocrity, or failure of a local economy. Historically, economic development has concentrated on jobs and increasing the tax base. While these help indicate progress, they can no longer be the one target or lone measurement in our community. The complexity of our world and technology force us to reexamine economic success in 2020 and beyond.

So how do we do this?  As you know, economic development in Lenawee County looks much different than a metropolitan community.  Strategic improvement in our economy requires an innovative and creative approach.  This is accomplished through partnerships with organizations within our surrounding area: the Detroit Regional Partnership, Regional Growth Partnership (Ohio), and the Greater Ann Arbor Region.

Local entrepreneurs and businesses have opportunities that Lenawee Now promotes and markets.  Through the Entrepreneur series, we can assist and identify businesses that are viable and will hopefully grow into perhaps the next Brazeway, Tecumseh Products or M&S Manufacturing.


Lastly, today’s workforce contains growing gaps facing employers. Through our ALIGN Lenawee Talent Consortium, employers and students are being engaged to promote the great careers that are available, locally, in Lenawee County.

With a tailored approach, a stronger tax base can be built, along with a better infrastructure, and a higher quality of life. Lenawee Now is advocating for the prosperous economic future of all Lenawee communities.

Lenawee County has always been a great place to live, work, and do business and Lenawee Now remains an integral part of ensuring future success. Those who financially support Lenawee Now are driving economic opportunity for their children and grandchildren, the leaders of the future. You, too, can help drive economic opportunity through your personal donation. You, too, can become an integral part of ensuring future success and supporting the leaders of the future.