Celebrated nationally in October, MFG Day is manufacturing’s biggest annual opportunity to inspire the next generation, positively shift perceptions about the industry, and build the foundation for the manufacturing workforce of the future.
Locally, students in grades 8-12 will be participating in educational tours of manufacturing facilities around the county throughout the week.

We are asking your company to host a minimum of two different student tour groups within the same morning during the week

Participants are expected to provide lunch for the second group. Participants can also volunteer for additional tours during the week for additional contact with the future talent pipeline in the region

• Students visit your modern facilities and connect classroom concepts with real-life business applications.
• Students, teachers, and counselors explore the wide variety of careers within the manufacturing pathway.
• Your company gets direct contact with individuals joining the workforce in the next few years.
• Visiting students will already be interested in manufacturing careers or are open to learning about the field.
