Lenawee County has invested in programs and services to enhance the quality of life in our community.


County funding is the reason why most of these quality of life programs and services exist, and they are at risk this November. Renewal of the separate tax limitation will retain:


  • Businesses expansion and retention programs, as well as start-up support through Lenawee Now.
  • Education, leadership, and other programs to help children in Lenawee County develop the skills necessary for successful futures.
  • Senior citizen care centers and programs including transportation, educational classes, social events, and meal deliveries.
  • Necessary safety equipment, technology, and staff ready to respond to an emergency at moment’s notice.
  • Justice for all citizens and businesses of Lenawee carried out through the Victim’s Advocacy program, Economic Recovery Unit, and the Sobriety, Drug, and Enhanced Treatment Courts.
  • Our county parks, which provide recreation and enjoyment for citizens across our county.
  • Recycling and conservation programs that protect our environment and sustain our county’s natural beauty.


These programs and services support our community and enhances our quality of life. They make Lenawee County the best in Michigan.  These programs attract employers, investors, and new families to our county.


Without renewal of the levy, most of these programs and services would cease to exist. On November 7th, use your vote to tell the county how you would like our county to appear to employers, investors, and new families. Visit Lenawee.mi.us/investing for more details.