For Immediate Release

For More Information Contact:
Peggy Molter

Lenawee College Access Network Coordinator | (517) 920-1849


Attention all high school seniors! Interested in applying for college? The best week to do it is coming up —Michigan’s 4th annual College Application Week. From November 3-7 most Michigan college application fees are FREE!


Counselors from seven different schools, including the LISD Tech Center, help high school students apply for college and trade schools during Michigan's 4th Annual College Application Week.

LISD Tech Center


The Lenawee College Access Network (LCAN) sponsors College Application Week (CAW) in partnership with the Michigan College Access Network and The American College Application Campaign. The goal of the program is to give every graduating senior the opportunity to complete a college application. Research shows that students who apply to 2-3 schools are 47% more likely to attend college. Post-secondary plans may also include students confirming and applying for apprenticeships, trade and technical schools, specialized training centers, and exploring military career options.


The counselors from Addison, Adrian, Clinton, Hudson, Madison, Onsted, Tecumseh High Schools and the LISD TECH Center are planning College Application Week. The Lenawee College Access Network is supporting the local sites with trained volunteers, including current and retired school counselors and teachers, parents, agency representatives, and other community volunteers. LCAN will also be providing resources on post-secondary choices, trade and technical schools, financial aid, scholarships, and general career access information.


Parents are encouraged to support their senior student in making their post-secondary plans at this time. Further details about the Michigan College Application Week and LCAN can be discovered by contacting your local school counselor, viewing the LISDTV-produced YouTube video titled “College Application Week 2013”, liking us “LenaweeCAN” on Facebook or visiting the LCAN website,